CES Ultra Case Studies
Documented Relief from Anxiety & Insomnia
Read for yourself about the astounding relief and results that people have experienced using CES and the CES Ultra. Contact us today to learn how you can experience similar results in the privacy of your own home.
- Case Study: Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia
- Case Study: Rehab Center Treating Insomnia
- Case Study: Anxiety in Teen Male
- Case Study: College Student with Anxiety
- Case Study: Teen with Anxiety & Insomnia
CES Decreases Anxiety, Improves Cooperativeness & Motivation in 16-Year-Old Male
Thirty Day Clinical Trial of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) in Adolescent Patient with Anxiety and Developmental Deviation with Hyperkinetic Element
J.* is a sixteen-year-old Caucasian male with a history of psychiatric treatment, including medication intervention for developmental deviation with a hyperkinetic element. His history of school functioning had been very poor, with low motivation to succeed. His father reports that J. would often experience feelings of anger and anxiety with behavioral acting out. During the initial psychological evaluation, he had great difficulty attending to tasks presented to him, was emotionally labile, and on a measure of depression he scored at the 24th percentile, while on a measure of anxiety he scored at the 2nd percentile with present moment (state) anxiety and at the 27th percentile with general proneness (trait) anxiety. On the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) Full Scale, intellectual functioning was in the Average range (Full Scale IQ = 96) with verbal area functioning in the Low Average range (Verbal IQ = 81) and performance area functioning in the Superior range (Performance IQ = 122).
After thirty days daily usage of at least forty-five minutes with the CES device, he was again administered a psychological evaluation. On the same measure of depression J. scored at the 1st percentile, while on the same measure of anxiety he scored at the 3rd percentile with present moment (state) anxiety and at the 16th percentile with general proneness (trait) anxiety, a noticeable decrease with his levels of depression and trait anxiety. On the WAIS-R Full Scale intellectual functioning was in the High Average range (Full Scale IQ = 111) with verbal area functioning in the Low Average range (Verbal IQ = 88) and Performance area functioning in the Very Superior range (Performance IQ = 139).
Higher scores in the Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale areas indicated a gain of more than three standard deviations which by chance alone would occur in less than two in ten thousand cases (p<.0002). He was observed to be much more at ease with a noticeable improvement in his affect and cooperativeness as well as his ability to not only stay on task, but more motivation to do well with tasks. His mother stated that his ability to tolerate difficult situations and tasks was greatly improved as was his mood and that it was much easier and more pleasant to be around him.
* (For the sake of privacy, identities are withheld.)
Contact us to learn how the CES Ultra can help you relax, find peace of mind, and sleep restfully.