A few words of advice if you’re looking to purchase a CES unit: There are only a few FDA approved companies selling CES in the U.S. Here are the companies and their devices:

  • Neuro-Fitness LLC/ CES Ultra
  • Fisher Wallace, Inc./Fisher-Wallace Stimulator
  • Electromedical Products International, Inc./Alpha-Stim

Below is a price comparison table:


Do not be fooled into paying more, because you think more is better. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) considers all approved CES units to be “substantially equivalent” to each other.

Note: *The CES Ultra is the premier unit on the market. It alone features the original 100 Hz configuration that most of the CES research has been done on. Other units may claim to carry the 100 Hz but no other unit has an accurate rendition of the configuration on which most of the research is based.


Do not buy product that are not approved by FDA (The Food and Drug Administration)

You may also find certain “underground” instruments on the market, particularly on the Internet. Contrary to their anecdotal claims, most have no scientific evidence behind them. Many are nothing more than low-cost pulse generators of dubious quality, and have not been fully evaluated for either efficacy or safety. They are not registered with the FDA. Many are billed as “for research purposes only,” and cannot legally be called “medical devices” or make any medical claims. Many are from overseas and are of dubious quality.