CES Research, Insomnia, Sleep Problems
Device: 30 – 40 Hz, 2 mS, 2 mA, forehead to occipital fossa electrodes 20 hospitalized pts suffering from long-lasting insomnia with anxiety, obsessive and compulsive reactions, morphine and barbiturate addiction and involutional depression were given 2 –...
CES Research, Insomnia, Sleep Problems
Magora, Florella, Beller, A., Aladjemoff, L., Magora, A., and Tannenbaum, J. Observations on electrically induced sleep in man. British Journal of Anesthesiology. 37:480 491, 1965. Device: 100 Hz, 10 – 100 Hz, 1 – 10 mS, 0.4 – 5 mA, square pulses,...