FDA to Reclassify CES

FDA to Reclassify CES

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to propose approval and reclassification of cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) devices for the treatment of insomnia, depression, and anxiety. In a document to be published tomorrow, the FDA says it is...

The CES Experience

We get a lot of calls here at Neuro-fitness from people inquiring as to what they can expect from using Cranial Electro Stimulation.. The following gives a general overview of the “CES Ultra Experience” during the first 3 weeks of in home use. By the end of the first...

How to Optimize Your Sleep

Dr. Mercola’s top guidelines for promoting good sleep. Avoid watching TV or using your computer at night—or at least about an hour or so before going to bed—as these technologies can have a significantly detrimental impact on your sleep. TV and computer screens...