CES as a Viable Treatment for a Growing Problem With tens of thousands of young Americans returning from a decade plus of war.. Nothing that the Pharmaceutical Companies has done thus far is helping. The problem not only persists, it is growing !!! Position Paper on...
Insomnia Many patients benefit from improving sleep hygiene and as a treatment for insomnia. Others may improve using a sleep phase changes or treating the underlying problem such as sleep apnea, medical conditions, alcohol abuse, etc. For many others, recent...
Electro-therapy got its start during the days of the Roman Empire when Greek physicians had their patients stand on electric torpedo fish as a step to improve health in the first century AD. Scribonius Largus wrote: For any type of gout a live black torpedo should,...
Executive Summary. Thirteen studies, in which a total of 648 patients with various types of cognitive dysfunction were treated with cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES), were combined statistically in order to get a more confident look at the effectiveness of CES...
As in many developed countries, we are an aging population. The treatment of depression, anxiety and insomnia in the geriatric patients with medications present unique challenges due to the increased risk of adverse side effects. These side effects include the risk of...
Sleep. It's something we spend about a third of our lives doing, but do any of us really understand what it's all about?Two thousand years ago, Galen, one of the most prominent medical researchers of the ancient world, proposed that while we're awake, our brain's...
The Problem Tens of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan veterans have returned home from the wars with a debilitating condition: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD. The VA is at loose ends about how to deal with a mental health crisis that is ruining not only the lives of...
Experts believe electrotherapy is the key to solving anxiety related to the dentist. MILLIONS of people could be cured of their fear of dentist surgeries with the help of electrotherapy, new research has claimed Tiny electrical currents into the brain could help solve...
Why Psychiatry needs CESby Jason Worchel, M.D. Jason Worchel, M.D. is a noted psychiatrist and Director of the Hilo Mental Health Center in Hilo, HI. The following posts are taken from a paper written by Dr. Worchel in his testimony before the F.D.A. concerning the...
Anxiety There are many non-pharmacologic interventions for reducing anxiety. Some of these include dietary supplements, acupuncture, meditation, yoga, and exercise. These interventions, however, are not employed by a large segment of society which suffers from...