CES Ultra Blog

PTSD and Cranial Electro Stimulation Therapy

PTSD and Cranial Electro Stimulation Therapy

CES as a Viable Treatment for a Growing Problem With tens of thousands of young Americans returning from a decade plus of war.. Nothing that the Pharmaceutical Companies has done thus far is helping. The problem not only persists, it is growing !!! Position Paper on...

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CES vs. Drugs in the Aging Population

CES vs. Drugs in the Aging Population

As in many developed countries, we are an aging population. The treatment of depression, anxiety and insomnia in the geriatric patients with medications present unique challenges due to the increased risk of adverse side effects. These side effects include the risk of...

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Operation Pro-Vet

The Problem Tens of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan veterans have returned home from the wars with a debilitating condition: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD. The VA is at loose ends about how to deal with a mental health crisis that is ruining not only the lives of...

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