CES Ultra Blog

CES as an Aid in Learning

CES as an Aid in Learning

"Microamperage Electrical Stimulation as an Adjunct in Neurotherapy" by Paul G. Swingle, Ph.D., R. Psych. (Private Practice) We discovered that CES helps with retention of learned material quite by accident.  In our Practice many clients receive CES units to help with...

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CES Seasonal Surprise

CES Seasonal Surprise

Spring is just around the corner and with it comes our new CES carrying case. We have replaced the old hard plastic box with one that is both soft and strong. It is compact and flexible, easy to transport, and fashionable in appearance. Check it out:

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CES Research: Post-Traumatic Amnesia

Clinical reports One published clinical study reported on the effectiveness of CES in a case of post-traumatic amnesia, in which a 21 year old male who was comatose for weeks following a motorcycle accident recovered much of his tested memory recall functions...

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In the 1930s clinicians began to use very high electric currents in order to produce convulsions in patients.  This was known as electroconvulsive shock therapy, or ECT, and is still sometimes used in America to treat difficult cases of depression.  One of its...

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