CES Ultra Blog

CES and the Aging Brain

CES and the Aging Brain

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that the aging brain undergoes neuroplastic changes to respond to functional declines and keep performance on the best level. During these changes, additional brain areas are recruited, such as the ipsilateral motor...

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CES as a Safe Alternative to Drugs

CES represents a safe intervention for conditions for which existing treatments, especially pharmacologic and invasive interventions pose significant risk for adverse side effects. It is especially beneficial in defined populations. These include those who refuse...

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Goodbye Iphone – Hello CES Ultra

Goodbye Iphone – Hello CES Ultra

The findings of a seven-country survey of more than 7,000 people about smartphone habits released by Motorola, the newly acquired division of Chinese electronics giant Lenovo, shows: Sixty percent of those surveyed said they slept holding their handsets -- with the...

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CES vs. Drugs

There are various advantages of CES relative to other existing treatments, especially medications that may not be well appreciated. Take for example, the difficulty faced by primary care physicians and mental health professionals in treating female patients of child...

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