Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The Problem
Tens of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan veterans have returned home from the wars with a debilitating condition: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The VA is at loose ends about how to deal with a mental health crisis that is ruining not only the lives of returning veterans, but those of their families and friends as well.
Drug therapy, which is the main way they have treated the problem, has proven to be not only ineffective, but has worsened the situation, triggering an extraordinary spike in substance abuse, leading to violent behaviors and suicide.
A Possible Solution
Fortunately, there is a non-drug option with a proven track record in treating anxiety and insomnia which are 2 primary symptoms of PTSD. It is called cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES). CES is an electronic device that is simple to use, has no side effects, and has been validated by decades of research.
CES is currently being prescribed for active duty personnel returning from the mid-east at the Warrior Combat Stress Reset Program at Ft. Hood, TX, at Ft. Campbell, KY, Ft. Joint Ft Lewis-McChord, WA, at the Bremerton WA Naval Hospital, as well as in combat conditions in Iraq and Afghanistan. It should not stop there.
Operation Pro-Vet: How You Can Help and Be Helped
If you are a veteran, contact us and learn how CES can help you. Ask about our special discount for veterans. Call us at 1-425-222-0830 or email us at for more information. To order your CES Ultra, click here.
If you are a member of a service club or organization, learn how your local group can assist those who have served on our behalf. They deserve nothing less.
Read What Others Are Saying About the CES Ultra
“I purchased my CES Ultra for use in my clinic and for my personal use after reading about the Veteran’s Administration testing Cranial Electrical Stimulation for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in veterans. Since I am an Active Duty Army Physician Assistant serving with the 10th Mountain Division and later the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade on 3 deployments to Iraq, I treat many young Soldiers with this condition.
Using both professional psycho-therapy (standard talk therapy), SSRIs and CES Ultra I felt that we were giving our Soldiers the best possible therapies. Where no one therapy works for all conditions and all Soldiers, I felt that the more tools in my arsenal the better.
All the Soldiers seem to like the immediate calming effects of the CES Ultra and many of the Soldiers commented that they slept much better on nights they got a session with the CES Ultra. I use it when doing office work and filling out patient’s charts and always feel more calm and focused and sleep better when I use it regularly. I recommend CES Ultra to anyone who feels anxious or frazzle and wants a non-medication treatment for calming ones nerves and improving their sleep.”
CES Case Studies
The following are some of the many case studies that have been reported to us by mental health counselors, psychologists, MDs, substance-abuse counselors, and others. (For the sake of privacy, identities are withheld.)